Mens Section

Mrs Howell’s 2024

  • Winners of Mrs Howells 2024: Celia Harmer and Jeff Richards


We had a very enjoyable day with plenty of sunshine.

The winning couple was Celia and Jeff. Jeff was the winner last yeaar with a different partner.

The game was followed by a very nice lunch of jacket potatoes with a selectionof fillings.



Club KO Competition winners 2024

The Presidents Trophy (Medal)

Winner Jason Rackley score 78 (6) = 72

Jubilee Foursomes

           Bob Powley & Dave Smith

     Ian Alcock Trophy

Jason Rackley

The Ian Mead Trophy 

Kevin Wheeler

The Charles Diebel Trophy

Mark Shepherd


2024 Club Championship  7th & 8th September  

Congratulations to our 2024 Club Champion

               CHRIS WENN

Club Championship Results

Club Champion Chris Wenn  71  &  70

Category 2 Winner……Tommy Shepherd

Category 3 Winner…..Gary Zuber

Category 4 Winner…..James Bibby

Ladies Club Champion…. Glennis Copleston

Ladies 18 Hole Winner…..Jenny Roden

  • Chris Wenn Club Champion


2024 Vice Captain Day  4th August

Congratulations to the winners in a well suppoted event hosted by Vice Captain Colin Gough.

The Winners.

Ladies Nearest the Pin….Sue Gill

Ladies 18 Hole Stableford

1st ….Eileen Hayward

2nd…Sheila Wood

3rd…Diane Johnson

The Mens Nearest the Pin ….Darryn Vials

The Mens Longest Drive…..Sam Bray

The  Guest Winnner….Ian Moore

The Guest Runner Up…John Lloyd

Mens 18 Hole Stableford

1st …Joe Sullivan

2nd…Alan Smith

3rd…Tiki Hadjioannou



After 3 years of trying to get “The Waltz” played we finally did it. I hope it was enjoyed by everyone. School mathematics came into play with addition and multiplication (without calculators). Everybody got their sums right. there were good scores.

118 was the winning score but on count back the “glitter ball” was held alooft by Jenny Roden and Kevin Wheeler. We will be dancing The Waltz again next year so keep your dancing shoes polished.

After expenses we gave £10 each into both Captains charities Air Ambulance and Mitchell’s Miracles.


Lady President

Sheila Wood




Essex Captain’s Evening.


DARREN PARKER Day  December  2nd  2023




Competition Winners in 2023 presented at the Captains Drive In 12th Nov 2023





Club Championship 2nd September 2023.


Congratulations to our 2023 Club Champion

               CHRIS WENN

Chris Wenn 2023 Champion

The Handicap Catergory winners.

Cat A     Colin Kirk

Cat B     Danny O’Connell

Cat C    Mike Hayward.

Ian Vickory Trophy (Best 18 hole Gross score)

Chris Wenn  75


2023 Captain’s Day




2023 Winners.

Dave Randall Winner of Alfred Whale Trophy


Essex Captains Dinner 2023